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Magic that really works: Activated charcoal!

Eco-friendly Charcoal Eco Packs are filled with just one ingredient – activated charcoal. As air passes through the pores in the charcoal, odour, allergens and bacterial particles in the air are trapped on the surface, which in turn purifies the air.

Solar air freshener that eliminates odours and moisture – clean and green!

The magic of activated bamboo charcoal continues to amaze even scientists.

Discover for yourself the use of its already proven purifying power. Imagine never having to spray chemicals, use messy sachets or dehumidify again. Bamboo charcoal Eco Packs from Australian importer King Pin team are a simple method to remove unpleasant smells and moisture inside your boat (car, or home).

Refresh occasionally by placing product in the sun for an hour – the ultra violet rays disperse all residues for re-use up to 2 years. The Eco Packs can be moved from saloon to anchor locker or anywhere in between. Trust the magic, it really works!

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